Friday, July 17, 2009

HATE ALERT: Christian militants in Charlotte, NC walk dangerous short path to violence

Charlotte's Michael Brown and Coalition of Conscience are walking a dangerously short path to religious violence

By Matt Comer

How thin of a line exists between violent word and thought, and violent action and deed? That’s a question answered plenty of times before, from Christian Crusades and Inquisitions of ages past to the modern day of radical Islamic terrorism. But, it is a question yet to be answered in Charlotte, N.C., where I believe there is a potentially dangerous and violent threat ramping up its efforts to counter the annual LGBT event, Pride Charlotte.

In times of great social change, there are often two opposing extremes: One path seeks to change society through violent and militant means. The other seeks change in the spirit of non-violence, a practice of living — in thought, word and deed — modeled most famously by Jesus Christ, Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.

In Charlotte, it seems some religious leaders have chosen the former path, preaching and teaching with violent and militant theology and rhetoric, painting the social conflict over LGBT equality as a “battle” and a “war.”

This Special Report and commentary briefly examines Dr. Michael L. Brown, his group Coalition of Conscience and its God Has a Better Way rally, as well as preacher and spiritual leader Lou Engle and his involvement in the rally....[Matt's story continues here on his blog]

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