Thursday, October 23, 2014

Happy 2014 Diwali Greetings from U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Joyous Diwali to all my friends in West Virginia and beyond who serve our beautiful Lord Krishna! ~Madison Reed


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Martian Atmosphere Explodes During the Pass By of Comet Siding Spring

On October 19th, German astronomer, Dr. Fritz Helmut Hemmerich captured the following footage of Comet C / 2013 A1, commonly known as "Comet Siding Spring," through his telescope as the comet passed by Mars.  As you can see from the video, something from the comet plowed through Martian atmosphere, and ignited the Martian atmosphere like a solar coronal mass ejection, and sent out debris.  This is preliminary information.  I'm sure much more news is on the way.  This is a huge event.  An explosion of this magnitude could drastically affect our sister planet Mars' atmosphere. 
