I don’t have to tell you but as of today nothing has been done by the Obama Administration to end the discriminatory Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy that has oppressed many men and women in the U.S. military because of their sexual orientation.
Many gay and lesbian service members have been unfairly discharged as a result of the DADT policy, around 12,500 to be exact; which is unfair and discriminatory. Equal rights are equal rights, and our gay and lesbian service members are currently putting their lives on the line for our country without the equality due them throughout service. Gays and lesbians in the U.S. military who have been discharged are not done so with the same respects afforded to their heterosexual equals.
One person standing up for gays in the military and incurring the wrath of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell recently is Lt. Dan Choi.
When Lt. Choi went on The Rachel Maddow Show in order to talk about DADT, he knew very well that it may be the end of his career in the NY National Guard. In the end, it did. Lt. Choi is an accomplished Arab translator, and possesses a skill set which is vitally needed in the twin wars.
Knights Out, a group of which Lt. Choi is a member, is asking supporters to call the White House TODAY May 12th… it is important to speak out NOW – not later – to make this happen.
On Tuesday, May 12, call the White House at 

(202) 456-1414
Here is a Sample Script:
I’m calling to tell the president not to fire Lieutenant Dan Choi – and to keep his promise to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” I am a ______ . Please, no more studies; we need President Obama to tell Congress to repeal the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law NOW.
It’s important that we flood the switchboards NOW.
The Secretary of Defense and the National Security Advisor have been on TV suggesting that we “be patient” – which really means “put it on the back burner.” We need to make clear that military readiness requires that we take action, not settle for Washington waffling.
With your help, we can get this law changed. We can make this happen!
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