Thursday, June 18, 2015

Questions: About Rachel Dolezal's Mistreatment, Race, and Freedom to Be as You Wish

Since race is fiction anyway from a scientific, anthropological perspective, as well as from a higher spiritual perspective, why can't we say that we are any race we desire to identify with?

By Madison Reed

Rachel Dolezal
Rachel Dolezal has some truth-telling problems -
apparently. But the firestorm and character
assassination against this well-intentioned, good
woman, because she says she's Black, is totally
unjustified. Since race is fiction anyway from a
scientific, anthropological perspective, as well as from a
higher spiritual perspective, why can't we say that we
are any race we desire to identify with? Why should this
insult or harm anyone? Why all the fury - even from the
LGBT community, who should be far more open-minded
than this? 

Take a look at this. How are these different, or
are they? And what can we conclude? I welcome many
comments about this. It could be a valuable,
fascinating discussion: 

Rachel Dolezal, an ethnic European, claiming that
she's Black.

Author and founder of Divine Cosmos, David Wilcock
claiming to he's the return of Edgar Cayce.

A Christian claiming that Jesus lives inside him.

Any human claiming that God lives inside them.

A Black person claiming that he's Native American.

Someone, biologically unrelated to you, telling you that YOU are their real family - and really meaning

The Catholic belief in the doctrine of Transubstantiation - "that the bread and the wine used in the sacrament of the Eucharist become, not merely as by a sign or a figure, but also in actual
reality the body and blood of Christ." (Wikipedia)

Jalal'uddin Rumi, a revered 13th Century mystic and theologian, saying "I am you."

Jesus saying, "I and my Father are one" in John 10:30

Jesus saying, in John 6:38, "For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of
Him who sent Me."

Isaac Newton's statement: "‘Tis true without lying, certain and most true. That which is below is like
that which is above and that which is above is like that which is below.”

Comments anyone?

Related News Articles:

Erasing the Subjective Definition of Race

Science Says: There Is No Such Thing As Race!


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