From David Icke
Hello all …
I don’t go to see films very much, but I have been to watch the much-hyped James Cameron movie, Avatar, and I am glad I did.
I thought it was excellent and the animation and special effects were cutting edge, but what interested me most is that it basically tells the story of what has happened on Earth – albeit back to front.
The plot, which takes place in the year 2154, involves a people with blue skin and lion-type noses who are native to Pandora, ‘a moon of the gas giant, Polyphemus, which orbits Alpha Centauri A’. They live in total harmony with their environment and they know that everything is connected and part of a unified Consciousness.
The trees and plant life of Pandora have formed electrochemical connections between the roots which act as neurons to form a sentient planet-wide ‘brain’, or Consciousness. The blue people, called the ‘Na’vi’, have their own ‘root connectors’ which allow them to ‘plug in’, through plants and trees, to this network of ‘Oneness’.
But then the humans arrive with their advanced technology. They are administrators and soldiers representing the RDA corporation which wants to mine Pandora for an extremely valuable ore called ‘unobtainium’ (the dictionary definition of this word is ‘a humorous colloquialism that refers to any extremely rare, costly, or physically impossible material needed to fulfil a given design for a given application’).
The humans set up a sealed base to protect themselves from what is to them the poisonous atmosphere of Pandora. When they are not in the base or their flying craft they have to wear masks to breathe.
Some of the humans are able to mingle with the Na’vi for purposes of manipulation thanks to genetically-engineered Na’vi bodies which they technologically ‘possess’.
One human, a former Marine called Jake Sully, agrees to be part of this infiltration because he is genetically compatible with a Na’vi body that had been specially made for his late brother. These human-Na’vi DNA hybrids are called avatars.
Jake, however, falls in love with a Na’vi woman and with the lifestyle in general, and a battle ensues in which he helps to drive out the other humans, but not before they have destroyed the Na’vi’s communal home which was located on the unobtainium deposits that the humans had come to mine.
I knew nothing about the movie or the plot when I arrived at the cinema, I just felt compelled to go. But it soon became clear that I was watching – in theme – how the Earth and humanity were hijacked by the Reptilian race that I have written so extensively about.
My new book, due out in the spring, expands massively on this and so much more, thanks to the wealth of new information that has come my way in recent months. I am not writing or talking about this yet, because I want it to come out in one go, all dots connected, and not in dribs and drabs.
But, for sure, the Avatar story captures the theme of the Reptilian takeover, whether James Cameron meant it that way, or not.
To see this, you have to reverse the roles. The indigenous blue people are symbolic of humans on Earth aeons ago, and the humans that arrive on Pandora in search of the unobtainium are symbolic of the Reptilians who came here.
The ancient Sumerian Tablets, discovered in what is now called Iraq, say that a non-human race, the ‘Anunnaki’, came to Earth to mine for gold in Africa, and the Tablets describe how they genetically-manipulated humans to be their worker-slaves. Evidence of gold mining at least 100,000 years ago has been found in Africa.
Zulu legends also support this same theme and, together with ancient accounts from all over the world, they speak of a ‘Golden Age’ when the whole Earth was lush and beautiful and the people lived in harmony with their environment.
There was no hunger or poverty because people lived off the plentiful fruits of the land and forests, especially the forests, which covered much of the planet. The weather was stable and there were no seasons, because the Earth spun on a different axis.
The planet was also encircled by a canopy of water in the high atmosphere that protected people from the harsh rays of the Sun, the Zulu legends say. As a result, there were no deserts and water was plentiful.
Then came the Reptilian intervention that brought geological and biological catastrophe to the Earth. I explain in the new book how this was done – it is quite a shocker.
Anyway, the water canopy was destroyed and this is biblically symbolised as the 40 days and 40 nights of rain. The Earth moved on its axis and its relationship with the Sun dramatically changed to give us the four seasons.
The Earth’s climate was transformed and so was human life. Forests were lost on a vast scale and deserts began to form. Plentiful food sources were destroyed in many places and life became a struggle to survive.
Reptilian geneticists created a new human to serve their interests and it is significant that human brain capacity increased for perhaps millions of years until about 200,000 years ago when that suddenly stopped and began to reverse. It is in this same period that humans began to look something like they do today.
The Avatar story also includes genetically-created Na’vi-human hybrids to infiltrate the Na’vi by looking like they do. This is precisely what has happened on Earth with the Reptilians ‘possessing’ the Reptilian-human hybrids that I have written about for so long.
These are the bloodlines that control the global secret society network and, through that, the governments, banks, corporations, media, military, ‘education’ and so on.
Crucial to human control has been to suppress activity in the right side of the brain, or at least to stop it transmitting that activity, awareness and information to the left side via the ‘bridge’ known as the corpus callosum.
The two hemispheres see reality in fundamentally different ways and this is expressed in the very different perspectives of the humans and the blue-skinned Na’vi in the Avatar movie.
The right-side of the brain connects us to ‘out there’, the infinite realms beyond the confines of the five senses and ‘visible light’ where everything is experienced as ‘One’. The Na’vi represent an open right-brain which understands that everything is connected to everything else.
Jill Bolte Taylor, an American brain scientist, experienced right-brain reality very powerfully when she suffered a haemorrhage that stopped the left-side functioning – dominating – as it usually does. She was on an exercise machine when she realised something very strange was happening:
‘… it was as though my consciousness had shifted away from my normal perception of reality, where I’m the person on the machine having the experience, to some esoteric space where I’m witnessing myself having this experience. I look down at my arm and I realize that I can no longer define the boundaries of my body. I can’t define where I begin and where I end, because the atoms and the molecules of my arm blended with the atoms and molecules of the wall. And all I could detect was this energy. Energy. And I’m asking myself, ‘What is wrong with me, what is going on?…
… ‘And at first I was shocked to find myself inside of a silent mind. But then I was immediately captivated by the magnificence of energy around me. And because I could no longer identify the boundaries of my body, I felt enormous and expansive. I felt at one with all the energy that was, and it was beautiful there.’
This is the limitless, unified ‘world’ that has been kept from us by the left-brain which dominates our sense of reality and entraps us in the five senses.
The symbolic soldiers guarding the entrance to the left-brain. Picture by Neil Hague (www.neilhague.com).
The left side of the brain is our ‘this world’ reality of language and structure, what passes for ‘logic’, and the general ‘physical’ world perspective. It decodes information encoded in the energetic fabric of our reality into sequence to give us the illusion of ‘time’ passing from ‘past’ to future’, while the right-brain knows that there is only the eternal ‘Now’.
The left hemisphere dominates especially in ‘academics’ and those who have passed through the ‘higher’ levels of the sausage machine that is bravely called ‘education’.
The whole global political and economic system is run by dark-suits trapped in left-brain reality. This is why we live in a left-brain society and the right-brain perspective is ridiculed or condemned as ‘crazy’. The human invaders in Avatar personify this left-brain domination.
They have no appreciation or understanding of the interconnected harmony and mutual respect between the Na’vi, animals, trees and plants. It is just mumbo-jumbo to them. The humans live in the ‘real world’ of physical ‘apartness’ with the philosophy of see-want-take. In this case, take the unobtainium.
If that means destroying the home and way of life of people who happen to live on the resource deposits that you want to make your fortune, then so be it. What does it matter? They are just primitive savages and we are only destroying a forest.
Who cares? Send the boys in.
The left-brain mentality has no empathy with the consequences for others of its actions, because empathy comes from making a connection to other expressions of life, be they people, trees, plants or animals, and putting yourself in their situation.
Left-brain prisoners can’t do this when they are decoding everything as ‘individual’ with only ’space’ in between. The right-brain knows that there is no ’space in between’ – only a single energetic field that connects us all.
It is this sense of, and literal, connection between all apparently ‘individual’ form that gives us a sense of empathy, the fail-safe system that prevents extreme behaviour and actions that cause suffering for others.
Without empathy, anything goes, and the Reptilian manipulation has specifically set out to disconnect us from right-brain reality to (a) stop us accessing far higher levels of awareness and intelligence, and (b) to suppress our sense of empathy.
You see this so clearly with those in the military that can pepper-bomb cities and fire missiles into civilian areas in the Gaza Strip without any emotional consequences for themselves over the death, destruction and suffering that they cause.
Once people are stripped of empathy they become robotic machines without feeling or compassion and so much military training is designed to do just that. So it is with the dark suits who manipulate and declare the wars and devastate the economies of target countries in places like Africa to line their own pockets.
The humans in Avatar are just like this, apart from the very few who ‘turned’ eventually. To the left-brain mentality (a village idiot compared with the right), it was all so simple.
We want the resources to make lots of money and those primitive blue people are living on top of them and won’t move. No problem, scramble the aircraft and let ‘em ‘ave it. The left-brain, to use a quote from the British writer, Oscar Wilde, knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
Look around, it’s the world we live in.
The genetic and other manipulation has turned most of humanity into a terminal of the Reptilian hive mind, something I explain in great detail in the new book. Humans have become their oppressors in mind and mentality – just as they were meant to.
Or, at least, great swathes of them have. Others still have significant access to right-brain reality and their ranks are growing by the day as the awakening of human consciousness continues.
When I say ‘awakening’, I don’t mean that just the awareness of a conspiracy is confirmation that someone has opened the channels to the right-brain and ‘out there’. The conspiracy research arena is overwhelmingly a left-brain phenomenon. This is not a criticism, just an observation, and quite an obvious one when you look at it.
As you open the left-brain and the corpus callosum to right-brain information, awareness and perspective, it is your entire sense of self and reality that changes.
You are not the same person that you were before who has simply realised that a global conspiracy is going on. You are nothing like the person you were before. The game has changed, and the values and perspective of self and life are transformed.
In Avatar, the human (Reptilian) invaders are ousted from Pandora in a massive battle. It is an action-movie, so I guess they feel it necessary to have a technological and biological punch-up as the humans employ their advanced weaponry against the Na’vi’s knowledge of their environment and their connection with the animals that stampede in their support and the dragon-like creatures on which they fly.
But we don’t need violence to set us free. We need to open the right-side of the brain and reconnect with our true and infinite potential. Everything else comes from that. The manipulators have not worked so hard to close down that connection because it is a bit of fun.
They have done so because it is absolutely crucial – prime – to their ability to control. They are terrified that we will wake up and access that fantastic potential.
Put another way, left-brain or right? Or, even better, a balance of both
People who have experienced damage to the left brain have suddenly manifested extraordinary, or what we would call ’super-human’ abilities, as the potential of the right brain is unlocked.
But they are not ’super-human’; they are ‘natural human’ who have been able to break the ‘firewalls’ imposed upon ’suppressed human’. Incredible feats of mathematics, memory and other ‘miraculous’ skills are performed by even young children once damage has reduced the limiting-influence of the left-brain.
Many of them are known as ’savants’, children who have an amazing skill or skills while also having developmental problems, ‘mental retardation’, brain injury or disease. Around half of these so-called ’savants’ have autism.
They are accessing brain potentials that are dormant in the vast majority because of the Reptilian manipulation, and, therefore, they not only have incredible abilities, but often find it hard to function within left-brain society.
It seems to me that part of the problem is that when the right brain really opens, the left-brain can have its reality-circuits busted and can’t cope with that level of perception and energy.
Stephen Wiltshire, an ‘autistic savant’ in the UK, is a wonderful example of their extraordinary ‘gifts’. He was taken on a helicopter ride over London at the age of twelve for a BBC documentary in 1987 and was allowed to take no notes or photographs, not that he wanted to, or needed to.
He then proceeded to produce an amazingly accurate drawing of the city, as it looks from the air, and included more than 200 buildings – some of which had hundreds of windows accurately portrayed even though he didn’t have the ability to count because of his autism.
Stephen Wiltshire today
It was all done purely from memory and he later did the same in Rome. You can see Stephen’s work at www.stephenwiltshire.co.uk.
Daniel Tammet, another British ‘autistic savant’, can do mathematical calculations at computer-like speeds and can speak seven languages (at the last count). He learned Icelandic in a week and his language teacher described him as a ‘genius’ and ‘not human’.Oh, but he is very human – the human the Reptilians and their bloodlines are desperately trying to suppress, because they know that their game is up once we access even a fraction of who we really are.
That moment is getting closer ever day.
Much Love,
David Icke
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