I'd like Bernard Alvarez's beautiful video to go out to all of my brothers and sisters living all over Planet Earth! My special prayers at this time go to the People of Belarus who will be having their parliamentary elections on Sunday, and to my own people in America who are facing a very serious financial crisis.
For the first time, many of our sister nations who have struggled for centuries under colonialism, communism and other forms of oppression, are seeing the dawn of economic prosperity and freedom. Other nations such as America; which is my country, are going through very great social, political and economic changes. Many of you may not know or realize this, but America's change has to do with a profound spiritual shift occurring within our people. We're outgrowing our inadequate systems. We're well past the stage of questioning the religious beliefs that used to be solid as a rock for our grandparents, but no longer satisfying for us. Our change will be good for the world ultimately.
Science is also telling us that our Universe is responsive to our individual will, and our collective will. Miraculous changes from new technologies are now possible. But yet we see our world order threatened by not only a global financial meltdown, but by political polarization and religious intolerance. So where are we heading?
I want to personally give all of you my assurance that we're going to be just fine. Today is not like it was a century ago. We've all made material as well as spiritual progress. The World Wide Web has helped the birthing process of the "new child" of the Global Human Consciousness of ONENESS. Now, all the tremendous pressure from the bewildering and sometimes frightening events, serves as a catalyst. The pressure is simply speeding up our evolution, individually, as well as collectively as a species. This is all a blessing for us, because it is leading us to our ascension. We are very close to discovering that we are an absolutely glorious and beautiful species! We're living in a sacred time.
I don't know how many of my human brothers and sisters will be watching this very beautiful and timely message from our brother Bernard Alvarez's video. I hope it confirms and elevates many of you, and helps you to reach a higher state of happiness. Please write to me! And write to Bernard and thank him for his inspiring work!
Your brother in America,
~Madison Reed